Our Team

Executive Board Members

Prince Khaled Bin Talal


Nasir Asad

CEO & Co-founder

Ali Abdul Aziz

HR & Administrative Manager

Non-executive Board Members

Abdul Wazir Maroun

Concrete+ T&D

Sharif Emir Abboud

Director, HAP Development

Usama Bahar

CEO, Ibn Pharma

Executive Staff


Investment Committee

Prince Khaled Bin Talal, Founder

Nasir Asad, CEO & co-founder

Ali Abdul Aziz, HR & Administrative Manager 

The Investment Committee is responsible for first approval of investments after the investment team completes multiple initial reviews, discussions, and assessments of valuation and structure. After Investment Committee approval, all investments are presented to the board of directors for final approval.​

Audit Committee

Prince Khaled  Bin Talal, Founder

Mohamed Mahgoub, Board Member

Abdul Wazir Maroun, Board Member

The Audit Committee approves and reviews all compliance and financial reporting processes. The committee assists the board in overseeing the internal audit and the external audit processes to maintain best practices in governance, compliance, and integrity. Fundfort Global Investment Consultant Finance Ltd has appointed Baker Tilly as external financial auditor since inception.​

Remuneration Committee

Nasir Asad, CEO

Usama Bahar, Board Member

Abdul Wazir Maroun, Board Member

All remunerations including salaries and any bonuses to executive staff are preapproved by the Remuneration Committee, which reviews, structures, recommends, and evaluates all relevant company compensation structures before submission to the board of directors for final approval.​

Our Team

Mr Gunes Imdat

Foreign Operation Manager

Mr Acris David

Regional Manager

Mr Karim Mohamed

Chief Financial Officer

Ali Ahmad Addoso

Equity Director

Youssef Khaled Usman
